Sunday, May 15, 2016

Valley of the Giants

Happy Anniversary to us!! Seven years since our wedding day and still having fun together. 
Brian planned a fun day for us, and we took off in the car to a remote little trailhead with some GIANT trees.

The Valley of the Giants is in the middle of logging forests, a protected 51 acre site of some fantastic trees. Including the tree below, named "Big Guy", before it blew over in a wind storm in 1981. Thought to be over 600 years old and stood 230 feet tall with a 36.5 foot girth. See the picture below!

So, happy anniversary to us! Brian then took us out to pizza! Yum! All without Norah. She got to hang with my mom. 

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Lucas Lodge

A few weekends ago, we headed southwest to a little town called Agnes. We headed there to stay at an awesome lodge with our friends Dan and Maddi. Dan's family has owned the lodge since 190something. The early, early 1900's. Every year they have a work party weekend to get the lodge ready for visitors. So, we tagged along. 

Norah found a few friends along the way. 

Old time slide! Awesome!!

Norah and Hudson, working on breakfast.

It was a good weekend. Brian helped with a lot of work. Maddi and I were assigned the job of babysitting our own kids. We were only able to complete one job. It was a good weekend!