Saturday, March 9, 2013

Shopping in the Market

Brian and I went to one of the market's in our area today to have a look around. They sell just about anything in a cluster of booths and indoor stalls. Each booth has something a little different. Some are full of food products, some have veggies and fruit (more of these when it isn't winter), some are like a superstore, full of soap, cleaning supplies, toilet paper, tools, makeup, tooth name it, you can find it. 

And of course, like most countries, they have a meat section. I don't really feel comfortable buying the meat here, makes me a little nervous, being so exposed to people and bugs and who knows what!

Fancy dresses! Whoohoo, watch out ladies, a new fashion is coming from Russia! Just kidding, most younger women don't shop at these markets. They save up their money and come to American to shop in our stores. 

Below is one of our favorite finds so far. Value Village meets Good Will meets a garage sale. Perfect. Although every time I go here it is freezing outside and there is no heat inside, so searching endlessly through clothes while my hands start to freeze doesn't appeal to me. Today though, Brian had a good find...see the last picture on blog. 

This particular booth focuses on noodles, pasta and some canned goods. In general we haven't found food to be a better deal to buy at the market. We go to the big supermarket (like Winco or Walmart) and buy our food. But we are able to find some things like cilantro and cumin powder! That was my new find today, cumin powder! They actually do have it here. 

Brian really surprised me today. We went into our little second hand clothing store and he starts looking through the jeans! Okay, well we didn't have any luck, but on our way out he stops by this jacket. And ended up buying it. So, finally, after four months of crazy cold winter, Brian has an appropriate jacket to wear. Now all the Russian people with stop fussing over him. And it cost a whole $2.50. Sweet deal, and totally a perfect price for my husband. 

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