Sunday, April 10, 2016

Spring Happenings

We waited and waited for this form to come in the mail. And it finally did! (About a month ago, I'm a bit behind in my blogging.) Approval from the USA to bring an orphan into the states! So, a month ago, I can say all our paperwork got to Kyrgyzstan. Praise Jesus! Now we just wait for a child. It may take a few months, six months, a year or more. God is in control of the timing!

Norah is no longer small. She got in the swing, enjoying it one last time. Haha!

Spring time is such a beautiful time. God really knew what He was doing, creating a time when everything blooms and grows and develops after a dark, dreary, wet winter.

A few weeks ago, Brian and I skipped everything, dropped Norah off at my mom's house and went for a hike. We did choose the best day to hike unfortunately. It was so wet and rainy!!

Monty got pretty wet too, but he enjoyed himself!

Little North Santiam River

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