Friday, September 7, 2018

Germany, One Year Ago...

Almost a year ago, right after Brian headed to Ecuador, Norah and I headed to Germany to visit our good friends that we had met while living in Russia. 
Here is Franzisca, Norah and I the first day.

Why not a pony ride while in Germany?!? We went to this fun farm/park/produce store for a fun outing one day. I loved that I got to lead the pony around in a circle with Norah on the back. Not quite how it happens in the USA.

Here is our gang in front of Sanssouchi Palace. Sven is holding Jonas upside-down, Norah is squinting in the sun, Asya, Franzisca and I looking lovely and Annabelle is in the stroller.

Norah being cute as always.

Below is the lovely palace and gardens. So much fun to walk around all these lovely places. 

Norah, in front of the Berlin Cathedral. We climbed all the way to the top and had a great view of the city!

A huge Lego giraffe, just a normal sight to see while driving through Berlin.

There were many of these bears throughout the city. The Bear stands as the city symbol and mascot. We took a picture at all the bears we could find. 

Norah and I just wandered the city on this day. We had a fun day being tourists. Actually, I wandered and Norah rode in the stroller.

I like the contrast of the church with the new, modern tower in the background. It was lovely and simple inside. 

Jonas and Norah are about one month apart in age and couldn't communicate that well due to some language differences, but they "tolerated" each other. Here they are waiting for the metro. 

Norah and I had a great time; we only stayed six days, but it was very nice to catch up with my two wonderful friends, Asya and Franzisca. It brought back great memories of Russia. 

I wish Germany and Russia were closer so we could visit more often, but I'm thankful for the time we had and look forward to future visits!

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