Monday, May 21, 2012


So Wendy and I had a free Saturday, so we decided to go for a hike. I guess this blog is becoming the hiking blog or something like that. We decided to go to the infamous Ape Caves. These caves are the largest lava flow caves in the western hemisphere. I was not sure what to expect, Wendy had already hiked them, but 7 years ago. They actually took 2 hours to get through the whole thing.  

 This was a really cool part where the tunnel got really narrow and eventually ended. I was expecting to find some strange creature living back there like Gollam from Lord of the Rings.
 I found a hole in the rock and decided to use the opportunity to create an optical illusion.
 Here is Wendy in very large part of the cave. Doesn't it seem as if a large beast is about to eat the unsuspecting hot girl in the cave? Well not on my watch, I would defend her with my life.
 The light from the camera is deceiving, if you turned out your headlamps, you couldn't even see your hand in front of your face. This walk would have been absolutely impossible without light.

1 comment:

  1. This hike sounds amazing. Next time I come there, I want to go to this place. It sounds wonderful...
