Thursday, June 14, 2012

Moving to Russia!

After nearly two months of searching and waiting, we finally got the email this morning that said, "We would like to invite you and your wife to teach with us for the academic year of 2012-2013."

A few months ago I brought up the idea of living abroad in Russia for a year or so after Brian graduated. I figured we were in a good area of life, no loans of any kind, car is finally paid off, no children, no house payment, money in the savings account...we have a freedom right now that we probably won't have in the future. Brian liked the idea of going to Russia for a while (of course) so we started applying for TESL (teaching English as a second language) jobs for him. No one responded. We had over a month of silence. It was a little discouraging, but we kept trying, with a deadline of Brian's graduation (June 17th) to stop applying and stay in the States.

And then...there was a response, and it was quick! One day after applying Brian had a return email requesting an interview over Skype. That was completed and a second interview was requested a week later. That was also completed and then 6 days after that, they FINALLY said, YES, WE WANT YOU!  I say finally, because the 6 days of waiting was torture for Brian and I. We were stressed and worried and uncomfortable with waiting. All the while trying our hardest to trust in the Lord, knowing He had an awesome plan for us.

And He does. So, no official date yet, but sometime in the end of August we will fly over to Nizhny Novgorod to live until June 2013.
Brian's job? Teaching English. And even better, the interviewers were pleased that I was coming and offered me an assistant teacher job to Brian. So, we will both have a class of 3-6 year olds from 9-12:30pm daily and then I will be free to do what I want and Brian will then teach teenagers and any adults until 4pm or so. PERFECT.
Can I stress how good and perfect God's plan is? Not only do we have a job, but I have something to do daily also that will make my days more fulfilling and fun.

We don't know too many more details yet, living in a little apartment somewhere, three vacation weeks off during the school year (Oct, Jan, and March), and hopefully me learning a little Russian here or there. :)

I will blog again when we find out more details! We will have quite the adventure coming up ahead!!


  1. Wow Wendy and Brian! So exciting! I am super happy for you guys and the plan God has set out before you! You will both be a huge blessing to your students in Russia, I also have no doubt God will use you far beyond the reach of just your students, but on to their parents, siblings, neighbors, and other school guys are going to bless the socks of of Nizhny Novgorod basically! I AM however sad that that means I won't see you for even LONGER because I will not be back until Feb 2012, so i wont see you two for well over another year. Love you both, so glad we have had the blessing of being in community together, and I pray that we can still have a kind of community from a distance!

  2. WOOOO! Congrats! I just read this and AM soooooooo excited for the both of you. You get to move to my "home" away from home and I cannot wait to hear updates.
