Sunday, November 22, 2015

Irazu Valcano National Park

Irazu Volcano stands at 11,260 feet. We were definitely up there in elevation. The road driving was pretty curvy and steep. But the scenery was phenomenal. The soil is very fertile from the eruption back in the 60's, so they are growing many things up there. We saw a lot of onions and strawberries on this particular drive. 
Here we are at the top!

It wasn't a clear day, but at least we could see in the crater when we arrived. And when the sun did come out it was REALLY hot! This was the only day I got burnt a little on my shoulders.

The drive down was lovely, here we are meeting up with a teenager who has gone to collect the cows with his bike. 

I love the hill in the background. Looks like a quilt on the hillside!

I think it was amazing to see the road and then 4000 feet down is the city and community of San Jose! These roads were steep and curvy to get all the way up the mountain!

The communitys/towns are just built on the side of the mountain.

This concludes our Costa Rica trip. It was a fun country to see and visit. Always fun to see how other cultures live and realize America isn't the only way to be. 
And Norah got her first stamp in her passport! Like she cares...

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