Thursday, August 29, 2013

Mt Juneau

A few months ago, Brian and I decided to go to Juneau, Alaska since we hadn't been there for almost two years. So, a few days ago we flew into town. No jobs yet, so we might as well travel more, right?
And while here, of course I have to hike like a crazy woman. Here we are climbing Mt Juneau and following the ridge. Brian and Brian Ewing are lagging. :) Just kidding. I had to kick my butt to stay in front of them both.

We didn't have the sunniest of days, but the mountains were all visible and wonderful to look at. Like a feast for the eyes.

This marmot held his ground as our three dogs looked at him from the trail above. I was impressed that he didn't run off. Our first wildlife picture. We did see a lot of mountain goats, but they were all too far away to get a good picture.

Some snow over the creeks and rivers form some really cool shapes. And...our next picture is the best wildlife we saw!

This bear scuttled off pretty soon after he spotted us. He has a glossy coat and was really pretty. After all my hikes in Juneau, this was the first I have seen on a trail!
Then as soon as we rounded the corner on the trail we saw tons of berries. So, one reason the bear liked this area. Sweet berries! Not the best tasting, but good enough when you're on the trail.

Out of all the places I have been, Juneau is still at the top of the list for most beautiful places. It is a wonderful place to visit. 

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