Sunday, September 7, 2014


What an adventure pregnancy is. I've had a healthy and relatively easy pregnancy so far. No ankle swelling, no stretch marks (yet), no serious sickness. The only complaints: back aches, foot aches, hard to bend over, extreme tiredness sometimes.
I feel Norah kick quite often, moving around, bumping into my ribs or my bladder. It has been fun for friends, family and co-workers to feel when she moves too. Brian loves feeling her bump and dance inside my belly. She mostly resides on my right side, and if I've eaten too much, she tends to press uncomfortably into my ribs on that side. 

31 weeks

35 weeks

Three pregnant ladies, Hannah, Christine and I. I'm due the soonest! 36 1/2 weeks

So at this point, I'm 37 1/2 weeks. Which means anytime she can come out! I don't mind if she waits another few weeks. The Nurse Midwife told me it would be best for her brain development to stay in at least another two weeks. 
But we are as ready as we'll ever be for our first child!

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