Sunday, June 23, 2013

A little more clinic info.

Here is the hand and the hill from the fall. 
Below, check out these stitches! I unwrapped the hand to see what they looked like and was a little surprised! They use some sort of thread, not our nice, plastic thread we use in the USA. And, Brian told me the doctor had to bend his own needle with some pliers. Great! He also had to reuse gloves, but he did wash them with water and alcohol before touching Brian. I enjoyed finally seeing the inside of a clinic! Even if they wouldn't let me watch the stitches :(

So far the hand is looking fine. It is a little painful for Brian and he can't use it for much. But, time will heal it up! We are thankful it wasn't more serious. So, in about 8 days I will take these stitches out and hopefully Brian will have a nice scar to show you all!
Only 4 more days in Russia! Pretty crazy. We are finishing up by visiting friends here and getting everything in order to go through Europe. I am sad to leave, but really excited for our trip and to get back to America. 

Here are some fun little facts:
I haven't driven a car since August. 
Brian and I have worn our wedding bands on our right hand ring finger since that is what they do here in Russia. 
I wore my watch on Oregon time the whole year (it just finally stopped working) since it wouldn't let me change the time. I just had to calculate it in my head.
I haven't worked as a nurse for almost a year! How terrible. I do miss it.
We miss American cereal.Only corn flakes here. 
We walk around 3 miles a day on average.
Brian is very excited to ride his bike, and I am excited to drive a car!!!

And of course we are very excited to see our friends and family.
But, first up: our trip through Eastern Europe. Here is the list of places we will visit: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Salzburg and Hallstatt, Austria,  Prague, and Krakow. 

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