Sunday, June 9, 2013

Russian Nesting Dolls

A few weeks ago, we took a trip to a smaller city about thirty miles away from Nizhny, a city called Cemyonov.

Once in the city, we went to a factory that makes the nesting dolls and some other cultural pieces. Here is the entrance for the factory complex, a really huge place! 

One of the main buildings where they create a nesting doll, also known as Matryoshka.

The wood before a doll is created. 

After being carved into the main shape of a doll. 

Mostly women painting and working on the dolls after it had been shaped. 

The Discovery Channel just happened to be at the factory the same time we were. They were filming for two days and then the actual showing will be in about three months. I'm excited to watch it!

This gentleman was working on carving some cups to be painting. 

Sochi 2014, this factory is the only factory allowed to make the dolls for the Olympics!

The first Russian nesting doll was carved in 1890.

Watching the women paint was so amazing. They had such steady hands! 

The other popular artwork for sale, called Khokhlama. 
"is the name of a Russian wood painting handicraft style and national ornament, known for its vivid flower patterns, red and gold colors over a black background, and the effect it has when applied to wooden tableware or furniture, making it look heavier and metal-like." (Wikipedia)

Massive chess set! Isaac, my nephew would love this!! Sorry we can't bring it home.

This is the last blog post for a while. Brian and I will be out at camp and I am assuming there will be no internet for our computer!! Anyway, we will update later with fun stories from a Russian camp! Until then!

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