Thursday, September 6, 2018

Ecuador in one post

  So Wendy and I have been REALLY bad at posting on our blog lately and we have just recently decided that we will now be somewhat consistent again. That being said, I need to backlog a few events that have happened in our lives in the past 3 months. Sooooo

 Fun time in Ecuador. I will sum in all up in one post.  Our schedule for the 3 weeks really was crazy, we were constantly travelling from this town to that town on super cheap buses and seeing such fun thing. I also drank some juice from the market and got wicked sick and lost somewhere close to 20lbs.

Ecuador really is a country of so many different regions that are made up of different climates. We hit tropical, high desert, jungle, and somewhat desolate lands. The food is crazy cheap as well as the transportation.

Staying with Samuels family really was such a better way to experience the place and culture of Ecuador. They were so sweet and giving of their possessions. Also, I felt that I got to practice my Spanish so much more because I got to know each and every one of them. Some nights we would stay up late talking or playing cards.
 This is at the top of the largest hill in the capital "Quito" . The city is at 10k ft and we ran up the hill which was super hard to adjust to at the beginning.
We went to a indigenous village and of course I could not resist playing with some of the kids. I was teaching them the slap hand game and as soon as they understood the rules, they were so excited.  

These little beetle larvae are a delicacy in the Amazon and so when in Rome so as the Romans do. 
The best way to describe them was a salty water balloon with a rotten aftertaste. But it was an experience that I won't soon forget. 

Oddly enough it wasn't the Beetle larvae that ended up giving me diarrhea, but instead, this juice did me in. It's a fruit called Guanabana which is a white fruit and the lady used tap water which I had been drinking but this time I ended up going to the bathroom 15 time that night. 

No you arent seeing things strangely. This is the real size of this avacado. 

And we went to a mariposario/butterfly house.  These guys were also quite large. 
However somehow in the land of giant fruit, this little guy showed up. He was tasty. 

I love other countries and the things you can see. Like a taxi carrying too much luggage with a sweater holding suitcases in the trunk. 

We hiked a volcano at 15k ft and I could only take 10 steps and then needed to stop to sit and breathe. Truly a remarkable experience. 

This says "We bake pork, turkey, guinea pigs, and chickens."  That's right they eat guinea pig. 

The taste was not as good as chicken yet similar in texture. Also another great experience. 

Samuel and I ran 50 kilometers in the Amazon Rainforest. It was 90 degrees by 9 a.m. !!! So brutal hot and I'm from Alaska. I don't like heat. 

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