Thursday, July 18, 2013

Car Trains and Salzburg, Austria

No internet for a few days really put me behind on our blogs! Whew, I will try to catch up...So, who has driven a car onto a train? Well, I did. We were literally one minute late for a car train that would take our vehicle through the mountains and back to our home for that time (Lake Bohinj, Slovenia). So, we drove frantically on a very narrow, twisty road, trying to get to the next train station to get our car on the train. And we made it! 
We paid our 9 Euros and I drove on and shut of the engine. The train started and off we went! We just sat right in our car and didn't get out.

Now for the funny part, because we had missed the train at the first station, we missed a pleasant 30 minute ride through the country side. Because when we got on the train finally, we only had a 15 minute ride before we got to our "home". And, about 13 minutes of the 15 were through this tunnel. This very dark, pitch black tunnel. Where you feel like you are driving a car in the dark because of the train motion. It was a very crazy feeling and a fun one!

Fast forward to the next day, dropped our car off, walked to the bus station. About a two mile hike. We're just getting prepared to go backpacking in Oregon.

Train station, wait to hop on as the train stops for about one minute. So don't be late or you will miss your train!

The train ride was very beautiful and I took way too many pictures. It was also a bit more comfortable than Russian trains. :) 

Who knows what Salzburg is known for? Mozart and The Sound of Music. First picture below: within the catacombs and cemetery that the movie set from the Sound of Music was fashioned after. The part where the family is hiding...

And yes, that is a large castle on the hill above the city. Pretty fabulous looking huh?

Above: Brian working on his latest air piano song.
Below: Me being glamorous in a garden with the castle looming over me.

We went inside the castle the following morning. It was fun to wander through. Or, as Brian is doing in the picture below, ride through the gates.

Actually touring inside the castle was not so exciting. Until we found this medieval toilet. 

And discovered enemies at our gates!

And a small marionette museum!

And discovered a tower for a view of course. 

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